Our Mission

We bring our mission to life. Our goals are to make a strong impact on both the survivors and the volunteers who are involved with our Heroes.

a). We promote projects, events, and a community that is both connected and committed to the survivors. Many survivors struggle with loneliness as they get older, and we empower the survivors with purpose.

b). We educate people from all walks of life. We connect the incredible stories of the survivors, as well as the survivors themselves, to adolescents, teenagers, even adults. We do so by creating, and hosting, educational and awareness programs at schools, and other venues.

c). We utilize the technology of today to make sure that the message of the Holocaust and the Survivors are eternal. We utilize multiple platforms, live interviews, recorded interviews, videos, and multimedia such as this website.

d). We empower, encourage, and support individuals to take part, create, and act for the survivors and for keeping their message and stories alive.

e). We partner with other initiatives that share common goals to that together we can make the world a better place.